Code of Good Practice for licensed premises gets green light

18 Apr

The City of London Corporation is introducing from this April a ‘Code of Good Practice’ and ‘Traffic Light System’ for licensed premises in the City.

The code will seek to reduce problems from licensed premises as well as highlighting what the City Corporation, as a licensing authority, expects in practical terms from premises able to sell alcohol.  One of the aims of the scheme will be to avoid the requirement for enforcement action including reviews, albeit enforcement action will still take place where necessary.

The ‘traffic light risk assessment scheme’ which will run in conjunction with the Code will be based on a points classification where penalty points will be marked against premises for each relevant incident that occurs there.  The scheme will also recognise good practice and award credit points where appropriate measures have been implemented and the problem has been eradicated.  Premises will fall into a green, amber or red zone based on their total penalty points at a given time.

A copy of the code can be downloaded here:

"CoL code of good practice"

Law correct at the date of publication.
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